"Read your manual – please." (Seven Things You Can Do If You REALLY Want To Become A Better Photographer)
(Waveform Zoom Button)
Zooming the Working Area P.100
⌃⌥← Zoom Horizontal Out
⌃⌥→ Zoom Horizontal In
⌃⌥↑ Zoom Vertical Out
⌃⌥↓ Zoom Vertical In
⌃Z Toggle Zoom to fit Selection or All Contents
Zooming with the Playhead P.101***
Click-hold in the lower section of the Bar ruler. > Drag the top of the playhead up or down.
Zooming with the Waveform Zoom Button P.103
To change the zoom level using the Waveform Zoom button.
Understanding Relationships Between Windows P.105
• The playhead position(Catch)
• Other windows(No Link, Same Level Link, or Content Link)
Using Screensets P.114
To create a screenset
1. Press any numerical key except 0; for example, 7.
For two-digit screensets, hold down the Control key while entering the first digit.
2. Arrange your windows, including changes to zoom settings, the relationship of the Arrange
area and editor areas, open or closed Inspector and Media or Lists areas, and so on.
"Read your manual – please." (Seven Things You Can Do If You REALLY Want To Become A Better Photographer)
Logic Pro 9 User Manual(PDF) P.51 -
• Toolbar, at the top of the window
• Transportbar, at the bottom of the window
• Editing area, horizontally tiled, below the Arrange area
• Media, Notes, or Lists area, vertically tiled, right of the Arrange(and editing)area
• Inspector, vertically tiled, left of the Arrange(and editing)area
Shortcut Menus P.58
Right-click functionality is dependent on the Right Mouse Button:
Opens Shortcut Menu option being chosen in the Logic Pro > Preferences > General > Editing pane.
( Optimize Your Mouse: OS X > System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > [Secondary Button] ) Using the Computer Keyboard P.85***
You can access most Logic Pro functions with key commands. (Same as Pro Tools Keyboard Shortcuts.)
E :Toggle Event List
X :Toggle Mixer
B :Toggle Bin
F :Toggle File Browser
Z :Toggle Zoom to fit Selection or All Contents
H :Toggle Hide View
⌥M :Toggle Marker List
I :Hide/Show Inspector
V :Hide/Show All Plug-in Windows
A :Hide/Show Track Automation
Quickstart Guide Logic Pro UM225 / UM226 Manual (PDF)
1. Place your stereo file on a stereo track.
2. Assign its output to the surround output or bus as required.
3. From the Insert menu, choose UM226.
*Please note that Logic must be set to Universal Track Mode - On
Memo:Logic Pro 9 hangup end of the recording. Try to recording but start rain.
ポイントを探しながら山道を下りました。車の窓を開け、鳥のさえずりが聞こえると車を止めエンジンを切り確認ながら進みました。沢の音(ザァーと言う音)がしたり、野鳥が鳴いているポイントが遠いと次へ移動しました。このポイントは道をはさんでサラウンドでヒグラシが鳴いていましたが、録音終了間近でLogci Proがハングアップしてしまい、再度録音しようとすると、雨が降り始め、ヒグラシが鳴きやみ収録出来ませんでした。
"Flex Time is a collection of tools that allows you to quickly manipulate the timing and tempo of your recording for the tightest performance possible."
[ Flex Modes ]
Slicing: Shifts the audio while playing each slice at its original speed. No time compression or expansion is applied to the shifted audio.
Rhythmic: Time stretches the material, looping audio between slices in order to fill any gaps. For rhythmic guitars, keyboard parts, Loops.
Monophonic: Solo vocals and monophonic solo instruments.
Polyphonic: All kinds of chords—such as guitar, piano, and choir — and also complex mixes.
Tempophone: Emulates the effect of a historical tape-based time-stretching device known as a tempophone.
Speed: Playing the source material faster or slower, including pitch change.
tc electronic UnWrap Main Features
+ TDM version supports ProTools HD and ProTools HD Accel
+ PowerCore version works with VST, AU or RTAS compatible audio applications. PC or Mac
(The PowerCore version requires PowerCore hardware.)
+ System 6000 UnWrap HD
「最初は5.1のディスクリートでサラウンド・ミックスしようと思ったんですが、マスタリングされたステレオのサウンドと比較すると、どうしても迫力が出にくいというか、商業的な価値を出すのが難しい。それで(TC Electronic) Unwrapプラグインを試してみたら、かなり優れたサウンドでサラウンドにできるし、パラメーターも細かいところまでコントロールできる。ディスクリートでサラウンド・ミックスしたものとUnwrapでサラウンドにしたものを何曲か作って比較してみたら、映像と一緒に見たときに、Unwrapで作ったものの方が音の迫力があるんですね」 Goh Hotoda using UnWrap / ランデヴー・イン・パリ[CD+DVD]
Neural UpMix by DTS $449
Compatibility:Pro Tools HD 7.4 or greater, Pro Tools LE 8.0 or greater w/ Complete Production Toolkit, VST 2.4
Sample Rates:44.1 and 48 kHz