March 23, 2010

Spring has come: Surround Field Recording Kickoff サラウンド フィールド レコーディング2010開始!

2010-03-21 at Hachioji city, Tokyo, Japan

" 僕たちは半分閉じかけた耳を開き直し、頭のてっぺんに新たなアンテナを立て、そのアンテナと耳を、更に広い世界に向けなければならない。"
世界はつながっている by ONPa koba-p

" In using sound as a departure point, we can easily drift into any number of fields, each with its own focus. Even though the medium is the same and concepts and techniques are shared, we end up with an array of different possibilities. "
audio cultures, parallel worlds by John Grzinich

六義園のウグイス by syrinx
Surround Sound Effects Chirping of cicadas & stream 2009-08-18 梅の木平
Sound Effects Stream 2009-07-04 梅の木平
Sound Effects Stream 2009-06-28 梅の木平
Sounds of spring
静岡県 遠州灘の海鳴・波小僧

<a href="">Blue-and-White Flycatcher 2 by Surround2011</a>
Blue-and-White Flycatcher

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